Reclaiming Home

Welcome to Reclaiming Home

October 12, 2022 Sara Duigou

Welcome to the Reclaiming Home podcast, this is a place for brilliant & deep feeling humans who want to come home to the intelligence of their bodies and set themselves on the course towards more enjoyment ease, and purpose. If you’re curious how life would look, if you could pause the overthinking and living from your head or if you’re ready to reconnect with a feeling of ease and fulfillment and you realise that being hard on yourself isn’t getting you there then this is the place for you.

My name is Sara Duigou and I’m a body-based coach trained in Organic Intelligence™ & Somatic coaching, I’m also an Embodiment practitioner and movement teacher with over 15 years of experience. My passion is helping women like you get closer to themselves and unpack the layers of habits and conditioning so you can listen to the intelligence that your body speaks and create space and capacity for rest & play, cultivating a nourishing & resourcing relationship with the whole of you. 

Every other week I'll release a new episode as we explore the world of somatics, embodiment, and the science behind it all, inviting you to discover the depth of life that exists when you follow your innate embodied wisdom and come home to yourself. Please feel free to hit subscribe on whatever podcast platform you’re using to be the first to know when the first episodes are published!

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